Back Cover Blurb:

Smart-mouthed Maggie Moore is instantly smitten with the laid back, sometimes infuriating Bucky. Too bad he has eyes for her best friend Melinda. Their triangle of friendship and emerging romance is easily eclipsed by the free-spirited adventures of childhood, but when the turmoil of adolescence stirs unresolved feelings and doing the right thing means betraying her own heart, Maggie must grapple with a moral dilemma that impacts them all.

With a supporting cast of unforgettable characters, and set against the backdrop of rural Wyoming during the cultural upheaval of the 1960s, Micki R. Pettit gracefully weaves an endearing and humorous tale of first experiences that cuts to the heart of sacrificial love.

Short Description:

A love triangle between three best friends coming of age in their small-town Wyoming neighborhood—The Wonder Years out West.

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General Information:

Title: A Kiss for Maggie Moore

Author: Micki R. Pettit

Genre: Women’s Fiction

ISBN:  9781684338382

Price (US): $19.95

Publisher: Black Rose Writing

Release Date: 12.9.2021

Page Count: 256

Book Font: Book Antique

Cover design: Cait Jones

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